Map object ********** Basic class of OpenLayers is the `OpenLayers.Map `_. It is the main view at your map application. It has one mandatory parameter - div id, where the map is to be rendered. Have a look in the documentation, how to `initialize the map `_. Several `methods `_ are available, among others: **addLayer** (OpenLayers.Layer) -- add layer to the map **setLayerIndex** (OpenLayers.Layer, Integer) -- set index of the layer in layer stack **addControl** (OpenLayers.Control) && addControls([OpenLayers.Control]) -- add control feature to the map (layerswitcher, scalebar, overview map, ...) **addPopup** (OpenLayers.Popup) -- add popup to the map **setCenter** (OpenLayers.LonLat, Integer, ...) -- set new center of the map **getExtent** () -- returns OpenLayers.Bounds -- current map extent **getResolution, getUnits, getScale,...** -- self explaining **getZoomForExtent** (OpenLayers.Bounds) -- get zoom level for given extent **getResolutionForZoom** (Integer) -- get resolution for given zoom level **getZoomForResolution** (Float) -- get zoom for given resolution **zoomTo, zoomIn, zoomOut, zoomToExtent, zoomToMaxExtent, zoomToScale, ...** **getLonLatFromPixel, getPixelFromLonLat, ...** And several `attributes `_: **layers** -- list of layers **scales, resolutions,...** **projection, units, ...** You will probably need most of selected attributes and methods, and possibly several others. Example of creating map object the easiest way: .. code-block:: javascript var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map1"); Example of creating map object in more complicated way: .. code-block:: javascript var map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", { scales: [2000000,1000000,500000,200000,100000,50000,20000,10000,5000], units: "m", projection: "epsg:102067", maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-905000,-1230000,-400000,-900000) });