HSLayers.MapPanel ================= `HSLayers.MapPanel `_ is a `Ext.Panel `_ in which `OpenLayers.Map `_ is displayed. For example see http://dev.bnhelp.cz/wwwlibs/hslayers/branches/editace/examples/MapPanel.html. It also has several buttons in the toolbar, namely: Load Load map content from the WMC file Save Save map content into the WMC file Previous and Next zoom Zoom to previous or next frame If the panel is used within the `HSLayers.MapPortal `_, there usually are `HSLayers.Control.ProjectionSwitcher `_ if there are more then one projection supported by the application (we will talk later about this) `HSLayers.Control.ScaleSwitcher `_ for changing and indicating of current map scale `OpenLayers.Control.Permalink` For giving the user URL of current map content. Let us illustrate on such basic example, how HSLayers works: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../branches/hslayers-3.0/examples/MapPanel.html :language: html :linenos: :lines: 1-17,37-42 Bunch of JavaScripts has to be load first... Then we can start to work: .. literalinclude:: ../../../../branches/hslayers-3.0/examples/MapPanel.html :language: javascript :linenos: :lines: 18-36 Here it is, map loaded into MapPanel body. To make this *really* happen, at line 17 :meth:`HSLayers.MapPanel.setMap()` is called.